The Federation

The original 24 franchises were drawn into 2 Groups of 12 to compete in The Federation’s initial season.

The goal of Year 1 was to qualify for the Championship League or be forced into Relegation.

The 6 Playoff teams from each Group qualified for the F1 - Championship (Gold) starting in September 2023 (12 total).

The remaining 6 teams of each Group will join against one another in the F2 - Intermediate (Silver) this Fall (12 total).

Year 2 will see 12 new franchises enter The Federation to compete in the F3 - Developmental (D League).

Year 1

Group A

Keith Queoff & Joel Collingwood reached a Gentlemen’s agreement to split 1st place via postponement on NFL game in Week 17. Devin Maney 3rd place.

Group B

Thomas Zacher dominated Group B to take home 1st place vs Johnny Neu in the Championship game. David Daluga 3rd place.

Year 2

F1 - Championship (Gold)

Thomas Zacher (Group B Winner)

Johnny Neu

David Daluga

Derrick McGrow

Nick Schwalbach

Curt Claassen

Joel Collingwood (Group A Co-Winner)

Keith Queoff (Group A Co-Winner)

Devin Maney

Andy Zarnowski

Vincent Yeung

Alex Gandelman

F2 - Intermediate (Silver)

Kevin Clark

Justin Loncaric

Peter Barnhardt

Nate Claassen

Matthew Kahn

Tyler Cleland

Aaron Jergenson

Stephen Gray

Ryan Fahey

Matt Silk

Scott Palmer/Jake Majewski

Dylan Barnhardt

F3 - Developmental (aka D League)